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Rabu, 08 Oktober 2014


                                                  KUMPULAN SOAL BAHASA INGGRIS

1. The earth ... from the west to the east.

a. Rounds

b. Is rounding

c. Has rounded

d. Has been rounding

2. Mr. Haryono ... to Sydney once a month.

a. Usually go

b. Usually goes

c. Has usually gone

d. Has been usually going

3. Look! The sun ... brightly!

a. Shine

b. Shines

c. Is shining

d. Has shined

4. My cousin and I ... together twice a week.

a. Studies

b. Study

c. Have studied

d. Have been studying

5. Wake up! You ... for hours.

a. Sleep

b. Are sleep

c. Heve slept

d. Have been sleeping

6. Bill ... here since the 22nd.

a. Is

b. Was

c. Has been

d. Has been being

7. Anita ... in her room for three hours. She is still studying now.

a. Studied

b. Studies

c. Has studied

d. Has been studying

8. Peter and his brother ... an English course three times a week.

a. Takes

b. Take

c. Have take

d. Have been taking

9. Santo : are you at home tonight?

Anita : no. I’m at campus. I ... our plan with my friends.

a. Discus

b. Am discussing

c. Have discussed

d. Have been discussing

10. ‘Can’t you stop smoking?’

‘It’s hard, I ... for several months but I haven’t succeeded.’

a. Was trying

b. Will be trying

c. Have beeb trying

d. Am trying

11. Some experts ... the mud disaster for two months before they sent the report to the minister.

a. Examined

b. Have examined

c. Had been examined

d. Were examining

12. ‘As I was jogging, a man stopped me and asked for the time’

The above sentence means...

a. I was jogging when the man asked for the time

b. A man asked for the time after I finished jogging

c. When a man was jogging, I asked him for the time

d. A man asked me fot the time when I was about start jogging

13. Fatin won in the competition because she sings a song ... of all.

a. Beautiful

b. Beautifully

c. More beautiful

d. More beautifully

14. Having taken an English course intensively, he can speak English ... in our family.

a. The most fluent

b. The most fluently

c. More fluent

d. More fluently

15. My younger brother behaves the ... of all.

a. More carefully

b. As carefully as

c. Carefull

d. More carefully

16. Linda does everything ... of all.

a. More carefully

b. The most carefully

c. More carefully

d. More carefull

17. Mrs. Heru : I’m sorry to hear that your husband is ill. Is he all right now ?

Mrs. Marno : No, not quite. But he is getting better

Mrs. Heru : I’m so glad to her that.

The underlined sentence expresses...

a. Apology

b. Inquiry

c. Responsibility

d. Sympathy

18. X : “...”

Y : She is a housewife

a. Where is Irma’s mother ?

b. What’s a housewife ?

c. How is Irma’s mother ?

d. What is Irma’s mother ?

19. Budi beat hoyer-Larsen of Denmark at the Sanyo Indonesian Open badminton championship because he played ... than Hoyer-Larsen.

a. Carefully

b. As carefully

c. More carefully

d. The most carefully

20. Dani jumps ... than Adi does

a. More highly

b. Higher

c. More fluently

d. Harder

21. Certain birds fly ... than the others

a. Higher

b. Highly

c. More highly

d. Highlier

22. Rani won the swimming competition last week. She must have swum...

a. The best of all

b. Faster in the competition

c. Better than the others

d. Fastest than the competitors

23. Semarang is ... than Malang from Surabaya

a. Father

b. Further

c. Farthest

d. Furthest

24. The trees planted in this area grow ... than the ones in the other place.

a. Good

b. The better

c. Better

d. The best

25. They ... for a swim if the weather is fine.

a. Were going

b. Have gone

c. Will go

d. Will have gone

26. Budi : Joko, who’s your favorite athete ?

Joko : Alan Budi Kusuma and Susi Susanti ... of them are very good at Badminton.

a. Most

b. Both

c. Every

d. Some

27. Fitri : I want to make an omelets. Please give me ... sait.

Tuti : All right. Here it is

a. A number of

b. A little

c. Many

d. A few

28. In the office, my sister types letters, answer telephone calls and does other office work. My sister is...

a. A director

b. An operator

c. A secretary

d. A typist

29. Some students seldom pay attention to their teacher,...?

a. Don’t they

b. Do they

c. Did they

d. Didn’t they

30. My cars never have a trouble,...?

a. Don’t they

b. Do they

c. Didn’t they

d. Did they

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